Sciences, humanities, and the arts approach the natural world and our experience of it from different perspectives. Although traditionally considered as separate disciplines, the desire for a more holistic understanding has intensified the exchange between those disciplines.

The AoN serves as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, bridging various approaches to art and human experience, cultivating interdisciplinary efforts and encouraging both a dialogue and lasting cooperations between the arts and the sciences.

The AoN e.V. is a non-profit organisation linked to Charité Medical University in Berlin, founded in 2009 by Charité leaders and by curators and neuroscientists from Paris, Munich and London with the aim to explore and nurture links between the arts and cognitive sciences from the broadest perspective.

AoN’s specific aims are:

To establish a public forum for interdisciplinary higher education 
(AoN Lecture Series with Humboldt Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Deutsche Guggenheim CLUB talks/AoN Art and Neuroscience Series, AoN Library). 

To organize international symposia, exhibitions, and publications 
(AoN Round-table discussions, Peggy Guggenheim Collection symposium series). 

To develop and support innovative interdisciplinary research projects and artworks 
(AoN Projects, AoN artists residency programme in collaboration with the Max Planck Research Group „Neuroanatomy and Connectivity“ at the Leipzig MPI for Human Cognition and Brain Sciences).